Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey everyone sorry its been a while. I have been so busy with prepping and exploring the city still that its been a while since I've posted. I manage to grab some pictures from work of the little Hellions that drive me crazy every morning Mon-Fri. We aren't allowed to take pictures ourselves but our school takes some for the website so i just grabbed some from the archives of my class. Below are three pictures. One general picture of my class and one, one during a birthday party and the third is me with my buddy Justin when he was the birthday boy.

From left to right:
Justin (back row) Joyce, Claire, Yae Jhee, Chi Ho, Austin, Andy, and my favourite Minsoo

(front row)
Esther, Suh Hee, Bona, and Joanne

The english names are the one's they chose for themselves and the kids with korean names wanted to keep their korean names.
Speaking of english names one kid in my co-teachers class insists on his name being Harry Potter and with his parents they decided that was his english name for english school. He doesn't respond or listen if you call him Harry Potterrrrr it has to sound like an english accent so we call him Harry Potta... so funny

This past weekend I got to spend some time outside of Seoul (about an hour) soooo beautiful there's so many damn mountains in this country its crazy even within Seoul. Its such a massive city but for example two subway stops away from where I live there's about a 4 hour hike up one of the mountains right in the city.

On the weekend I was lucky enough to be able to visit a korean friend of mine's family in the country. About 6 of us went and had a BBQ at my friends aunt's farm. Everything we ate aside from the meat was fresh from the farm including the best and freshest rice i've ever had in my life.

Anyways this weekend wasn't too outrageous we just made a few trips outside of the city. Next weekend I'll be going to visit a good friend from high school in Busan which is a beach city about 3 hours away on the high speed KTX ( a train that goes 300km an hour lol)

Transportation is just amazing here there's absolutely no need for a car and yet every household has 1-3 lol.

Be back soon!!